So you’ve got your brand new and sparkling iPhone 6 / iPhone 6 Plus. While you’re too excited to flaunt it, showing it to your friends and the entire world and enjoying the larger screen and better performance, you should still be mindful about your handset’s durability. Yes, there were several durability tests that the iPhone 6 passed with flying colors, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it can take that much of a beating. Here are some simple tips on how to take care of your phone and its accessories.
Don’t Soak It
You shouldn’t soak it under water every time. It can withstand a few sprinkles or small amount of douses, but putting it under water like it is some sort of pet fish is a big no no. In a video courtesy of TechSmartt, it shows that the iPhone 6 can only last no more than a minute on a very shallow water pressure. It was dipped on a small sink and even before it hit the 1 minute mark, the screen died out.
Tempered Glass Screen Protector
Yes. Gorilla Glass, Dragon Tail and same screen technologies have come far in terms of durability, but this doesn’t mean that they’re invincible. Not even scratch-resistant screens will prevent scratches forever. You might treat your phone like a baby for the first few weeks or a month, but after that, you will find yourself tossing it around and this can scratch the screen or worse, damage it. Getting a tempered glass screen protector might be a good idea to protect it from such damages.
Protect The Lightning Cord
You will never believe how this little thing easily wears out with the slightest mishandling, but taking care and keeping it in pristine condition is just as easy. Never unplug or remove it from the outlet by pulling by the cord. Instead, carefully pull it from the ends.
Another useful trick is to put a “spring” near the connector end of the lightning cable to prevent it from twisting too much. This is the most common problem that iDevice owners encounter. Putting a spring around it will protect it from unwanted twists that wears out the wires inside the cable near connector’s tip.
Don’t Jailbreak If You Won’t Take Full Advantage of It
Jailbreaking your iPhone 6 can open it up to a lot of improvements and possibilities, but most people who jailbreak their iPhone's are just after the fact that their phone is jail-broken and has a few jailbreak apps. If you won’t take the full advantage of the jailbreak feature, you might as well stay away from it as it can potentially damage your phone, the battery or even the files inside. Worse comes to worst, you’ll void your warranty and you will end up bricking your iPhone 6 in the process.
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